Removing the river but keeping the AMAZING in our flagship half-marathon route

You’ve spoken – and we’ve listened! 

As we slowly approach what will be the third addition of our flagship half-marathon, The Amazing Northampton Run, we have been carefully looking at how we can improve the event and the route.

Our first Amazing Northampton Run took place in 2022, replacing the out-of-town Northampton Half with a town centre event that takes in our three top level sporting stadia, a host of town parks and some amazing architecture.

Part of the route took runners along the riverside, but although this proved to be a pretty section it also came with its own problems. As those of you took on the first year’s event will remember, there was one particularly bouncy bridge that people weren’t that keen on encountering again! Last year, we added a 190 metre stretch of grass to avoid that unpopular pass, but as someone pointed out that might be a problem if the weather isn’t kind to us.

And the narrow canal path has also created some issues, particularly for those runners facing larger crowds in what we like to call ‘the party at the back’. As we continue to grow the event, this is not a sustainable solution.

One of my next tasks will be officially measure the proposed new route, but fear not, The Amazing Northampton Run will still be visiting all its most famed spots, including the stadiums at Sixfields, Franklins’ Gardens and The County Ground – and our controversial Rocky Steps will still very much be part of the scenery.

In 2025, we will also be commemorating the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of Northampton, as well as celebrating all the incredible charities and businesses which make the town so great.

As with our previous events, we will not only be putting on the 13.1-mile half-marathon, but also our three-person half-marathon relay and our popular three-miler race that takes in part of the half-marathon route.

We are also proud to work alongside over 30 charity partners, fundraising for a whole host of local and national causes. Free charity places are available to runners in return for minimum sponsorship raised.

This year’s event will take place on September 14 and we can’t wait for you to join us for a celebration of all things Northampton.