
Become a race Marshal

Core exercises for runners

Become a race Marshal

We’ve been extremely fortunate to be able to call upon a fantastic pool of marshals and we’re always on the lookout for more vounteers to help build the team. You don’t need any previous experience so if you’d like to join us then please don’t hesitate to contact us at admin@gobeyondchallenge.co.uk

Who are the marshals?

Typically our marshal teams are made up from all walks of life, both young and old.  Runners who want to give something back to the sport, injured runners who need to still feel part of the community, local people, friends and family of competitors, people who are retired and want to remain active and people who simply love people and want to help 


Why be a marshal?

If you have taken part in a  race or watched one taking place you would have noticed and  appreciated the friendly marshals on race day and the positive impact they made.  Then why not be part of this important group of people.  Typically we will stage one event per month for most months of the year and we are grateful for your help on one, some or all events.  Its great fun and you meet some lovely people to work with and of course the competitors who will always the grateful or your help and support. No event happens without the support of the marshal team.  In the modern world where face to face interactions happen less and less, volunteering is well documented for improving your well being.  


What will you be expected to do?

We try and rotate our marshals so they experience every role during the course of a season. However we also cater to an individual’s preference and experience.

There are a wide range of duties and we make sure that you are well briefed, with detailed information sheets and that you are placed with an experienced member of the team if this is new to you. 

Roles include  pre event set up and course marking, manning checkpoints (giving out water, snacks and recording  competitors numbers – tying shoelaces and motivational speeches are optional) registration (giving out race numbers, map books and T shirts, checking kit and competitors details) timing,  finish line management (giving out medals and prizes), monitoring road crossings, manning water stations, car parking, baggage transfer and looking after the tea tent!.  Each and every job is vital to a safe and successful event.

What do you get in return for volunteering?

We always make sure our marshals are looked after with food and drink in your goody bag and of course there is home made cake!  You’ll get a free event t-shirt and free entry to a Go Beyond event. This can be transferred to a friend if you wish, so their next present could be something they really want!  And of course a warm and fuzzy feeling that you have helped make something special happen for a lot of people.


How does this work?

Firstly please send an email or ask to be added to the Go Beyond Events Team on Facebook we will then ask for your address and mobile number so we can add you to our marshals list.  Before an event we shout out for volunteers so you can check your diary and let us know if you’re available. Closer to the event date we will share the marshal rota and provide you with  instructions for your specific role. We are always at the end of the phone if you have any questions or concerns. We try not to make the day too long but will also ask for help packing away if  marshals are available to wait for the event to finish. 

Simply call us on 07989 850170 or email admin@gobeyondchallenge.co.uk

what is it really like?

Ask Adam about his first time helping at a Go Beyond Event – this is his blog post

Crew Information C2C 

Crew Rota 

Race Day Instructions 

Registration Process


